Failing Fast in a Success Driven World

Failing Fast in a Success Driven World

Hey friends!

I felt led to write about this topic because of my many failures and successes as a Christian business owner. In a short amount of time, I have learned that the success of a business is directly affected by our ability to let go of past trauma and limiting beliefs. 

Have you heard of the phrase "fail fast"? If you're a perfectionist like me, that phrase didn't exist in my vocabulary until I realized how much it produces. And because I have a partner that encourages me through those failures, I wouldn't have felt comfortable enough to experience fast failure that leads to growth.

If we are afraid to fail, we need to start asking ourselves, why? For me it can be a mixture of not wanting to fail others or associating that failure with my value and worth. I can get so focused on the end result, that I end up missing the growth process. Lucky for us we serve a God who loves the process, teaches us to slow down, and be in the moment. 

When we face difficult things, there is always a choice. To give up or to grow. I've had many days of wanting to give up. When you choose to keep going, your character changes. You become stronger, more steadfast, more confident, and, ultimately, full of hope. (Romans 5:3-4)

What's unique about Godly success is that the endurance that comes from pushing through hard times, not only changes the outcome but changes you in the best of ways. Failure can bring discouragement. And discouragement isn't an easy thing to work through. But, success can only come if we choose to keep pushing through. Failure comes when we choose to give up. 

When your dreams don't come true, or your prayers aren't being answered, or you don't have the beautiful retail shop you always dreamed of...don't give up. Fail daily, fail quickly, and focus on internal growth, not whats happening in the bank account. Because over time, you will learn that the character built through failing and hardships serves a much greater purpose. And unlike money, that purpose is eternal. 

Just a few reminders before you go. You aren't alone. You can keep going. And don’t worry about doing things perfectly – just keep moving forward. You can do it and God's got you. This post is for you and for me :) 

Love always, 
Kel, The Remain Co. 
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